'TELL IT LIKE IT IS' Talk Show Video

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump Clings to Inaccurate Climate Change Talking Points

Former President Donald Trump, who has famously called climate change a “hoax” for many years, hasn’t used the word lately with respect to climate change. But he still clings to some similar arguments, and other claims he makes about climate change haven’t changed much over the years.

Some of his claims reflect a larger shift in rhetoric that other Republicans have embraced. Instead of suggesting that the phenomenon isn’t occurring, isn’t due to humans or the burning of fossil fuels, or that somehow the science isn’t settled (it is), politicians who oppose climate action increasingly use other tactics.

This includes accusing others of exaggerating the risks of climate change, making false claims about clean energy and other climate change solutions, as well as incorrectly claiming that nothing can be done about it.

James Thomas, Owner JWT Communications

James Thomas, Owner JWT Communications
James Thomas is a radio talk show host and civil rights activist. He can be heard every Monday morning on 94.7 FM | 106.9 FM & 1300 AM WTLS Radio (News-Sports-Talk). RADIO TALK SHOW HOST, ACTIVIST, AUTHOR James is a civil rights activist, and groundbreaking radio personality. He has built a legacy of using his voice to help oppressed people and those who are powerless against the injustices affecting them in their everyday lives. His radio program, “’TELL IT LIKE IT IS’ Talk Show”, airs every Monday morning. During his program, Mr. Thomas, also known as “JT”, talks about political and social issues, brings attention to social injustices around the world, and challenges himself and his listeners daily to “do something about it.” Because he is always taking action to help rectify the issues discussed on his show, TALKERS magazine ranked Mr. Thomas’s show in the top 50 of their 100 Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts in America over one dozen times. He has interviewed President Barack Obama, First Lady Hillary Clinton, Congresswoman Terri Sewell, Senator Chuck Schumer, Spike Lee, and hundreds of people around the world.


Reach an audience of millions. For advertising inquiries, please contact James Thomas at (334) 391-7866 or email - jthomas.1300WTLS@gmail.com

The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation

The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Founded in 1962, The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is the nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children. For 54 years, we’ve been providing access to affordable education for the children of Marine and Navy Corpsman attending post-high school, under-graduate and career technical education programs. In that time, we have provided more than 37,000 scholarships worth nearly $110 million.
